the quote "love yourself first" in three shades of blue

You are ENOUGH ♡

I know that it can be really difficult to love yourself. I struggle with it every day. Sometimes the days become unbearable, but I always remind myself that I am enough. Some days I believe it, and other days I don't. No matter what, you must say, "I am enough." —Say it out loud. Say it in the mirror. Say it on your way to work. Say it when you are sad and when you are happy. It doesn't matter when or where, but you must say it. If you don't believe it, keep saying it until you do. Continue to say it even after you believe it because we must constantly remind ourselves that we are enough.


I believe in you. You are enough. Everything you are doing is enough. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of good things. Believe in yourself, and nothing shall ever stand in your way. 

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Positive affirmation is important! Always have faith in yourself


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